
Daily reminder that Synchronicity Prologue is a completely ...

2020年3月22日 — Daily reminder that Synchronicity Prologue is a completely free to download really fun Megaten Metroidvania and you should play it · Best · Top.

Shin Megami Tensei

2021年10月25日 — Free videogame based on the Shin Megami Tensei Series released by ATLUS and developed by Den-fami Nico Game Magazine's Ladybug Team the 16th ...

Shin Megami Tensei

The game is a 2D platformer with the classic rule of the player character taking damage when it comes in direct contact with the enemy. Initially the player can ...

Shin Megami Tensei

Taking place shortly before the events of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Jack Frost is synchronized with the mind of a human in order to traverse and ...

冰霜傑克與傑克南瓜的大冒險!《真‧女神轉生同調序曲》免費 ...

2017年10月16日 — ... (SYNCHRONICITY PROLOGUE)》,在官方部落格免費開放下載。 ATLUS 官方BLOG 下載連結《真・女神轉生同調序曲(真・女神転生SYNCHRONICITY PROLOGUE)


2017年10月25日 — 為了紀念Megaten 25週年之際,前陣子推出新作《真・女神転生DEEP STRANGE JOURNEY》,當時發布了一段使用雪人(Jack Frost)及南瓜怪(Pyro Jack) ...